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7 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Mr.Micheals,
    I am aware that I have been a lot less active at work, but the reason is I have recently been diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease Type 1. The reason why it is type 1 is that it turns out it is a dominant trait, and I am aware that my mother did have it. This disease causes small sacs called cysts to grow on my kidneys. Turns out these have been forming since I was born, it’s just that the symptoms haven’t been occurring until a few weeks ago. My blood pressure is high and I have really bad pains in my back because of it. I also have a really hard time going to the bathroom, so I can get sick or hurt easily. My arteries can also become swollen so I can easily become weak or even pass out. For the moment, I may be out a little longer, but I have good news. I will soon be getting medication to help the cysts, but there is no true cure. I hope I can back to work as soon as possible, and I hope you can understand.
    From your faithful employee, Mr.Sean Thompson.

  2. Sent to @RyanMicheals
    Sent by @Sean-Thompson
    Hello Mr.Micheals. Today I would to ask for an extension on my vacation. You see, I went to a doctor in California for treatment on my Polycystic Kidney Disease but then it appears that a Carbuncle has developed. A Carbuncle is a large mass of clogs in my hair follicles which cause close to 30-35 pimples to group up into one lump. It gives me fever and fatigue, and I am sure that it will make everyone in the office uncomfortable. Carbuncles are also spreadable because the bacteria that clogs my hair follicles can spread to others. The doctors said that I developed it due to the fact that my Kidney disease increased my risk factor. The doctors said it should be ready to…pop…in about 2-3 days. Until then, I am willing to receive any work I need to do online. Hope you can understand. From Sean Thompson.

  3. Text Conversation-Mr.Micheals, Sean Thompson
    You wanted to talk to me.
    Yes Sir. Do you
    how I was having
    trouble seeing the
    ball at the
    company baseball
    game, and when I
    turned to catch it at
    the end I hurt my
    neck? Well, I went
    to the doctor and
    found out I have
    Syndrome. Are you
    familiar with it?
    I can’t say I am.
    Well, are you
    aware that my
    arms and legs
    aren’t really the
    same length?
    I am.
    Well, it turns out
    that when I was
    born, two bones in
    my spine fused
    together in my
    neck. This caused
    parts of my body to
    be scrunched up
    and my limbs not
    long enough. It
    also makes it hard
    to turn my neck. It
    isn’t serious, as
    long as I don’t
    develop any other
    disorders that could
    be caused by it like
    syndrome or
    Will this effect you work at
    It should not sir and
    I will be seeing you
    tomorrow. It’s just
    nice to now know
    why people called
    me “Nemo” with my
    small arm all these

  4. *Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*
    Hello, Mr.Micheals, this is Sean Thompson.
    Yes hello, what is it, Mr.Thompson?
    I have to stay home from work today and sent you my doctor’s note.
    What’s it for? Your Klippel-Feil Syndrome?
    Oh no, it’s actually something else.
    What is it this time?
    I have Tendinitis.
    What’s that?
    Well, I bench press every day, and I must have used too much weight because my elbow and wrist tendons were overly used. This caused my tendons to inflammate. It’s hard to move my arms and it burns. My arm is also very red and inflamed next to the tendon. To help, I have to rest and follow the PRICE rules.
    What is that?
    It stands for Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. So I essentially have to put a bandage on my arm, put an ice pack on top of it, and then put my arm on top of a pillow. I’ll be back at work tomorrow, but at around 3 I have to go to physical therapy for the next few months.
    Well, the doctor’s note is legit, so you are obliged to do so.
    Thanks for the understanding boss.
    Feel better. Must be hard having all these issues huh?
    Nah, I’m invincible! Seeya boss.
    *chuckle* Alright Mr.Thomas, have a nice day.

  5. 911, what’s your emergency?

    Hi, this is Mr.Micheals of Micheals Inc., one of my employees has just collapsed.

    Ok, can you tell me any of his symptoms?

    Well his legs and digits are super swollen, he is coughing very terribly, and he’s complaining of muscle pains and chest tightness. He has gotten terribly skinny recently without any exercise and hasn’t been eating a lot either. It is almost like he is not getting enough Oxygen.

    That sounds like Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, a disease that grows scar tissues in the lungs, keeping Oxygen from entering the bloodstream! The ambulance should be there any minute.

    Thank you so much!

    Can I have the patient’s name, please?

    Sean Thomas.

    Oh boy…here we go again.

  6. Oh thank goodness doctor, please give me good news.

    Well, Mr.Micheals, I do have good news and bad news.

    Go ahead.

    Well, Mr.Thomas will be fine, and will easily push past his Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, but it appears his Polycystic Kidney Disease had unfortunately brought about a development of Fibromuscular Dysplasia. This disease causes arteries to close due to clogging from the overdevelopment of cells in the blood vessels. Blocking his kidneys causes high blood pressure, chronic headache, ringing in the ears, weakness or numbness in the face, neck pain, or changes in vision. Potential severe complications include arterial aneurysms and dissections, stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and mesenteric ischemia.

    We-we-well is there anything you can do?

    We can prescribe medicine for his blood pressure or perform surgery to open his vessels, but those are really our only options.

    Ok, let me be the one to tell him.

  7. *funeral music plays*
    We are gathered here today to honor the death of Sean Thompson, a father, a husband, and a friend. We have his good friend and boss, Mr.Micheals here to say a few words.

    Hello everyone, my name is Mr.Micheals. Sean was a good friend of mine, an I always respected him for being to able push through so many diseases all at once. The fact that he lived this long, the doctors call a miracle. Unfortunately, his main problem was Polycystic Kidney Disease, which gave so many more problems, including the one that killed him. The disease was called Secondary Erythrocytosis, a disease that caused his body to make too many red blood cells. This is because his PKD caused his kidneys to stop producing a certain hormone called erythropoietin. His blood pressure proceeded to go up and he would have common nosebleeds. Unfortunately, his arteries seemed to burst under all the pressure. If it were caused by any other reason, he may have been saved, but his Kidney Disease was unfortunately uncurable. So may we have a moment of silence, for the invincible man, who has so kindly donated his body to science for the study of the diseases, and how he withstood them for so long.

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